JSC Solutions

Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar Panel Cleaning

Cleaning your solar panels will quite literally save you money! We understand no one wants to get on the roof, even we get scared, and we do it every day, but we are willing to do it for you.
By having your solar panels professionally cleaned you can get the most out of them! Built-up dirt and debris can cause your solar panels to be less effective which in turn will result in you having a higher energy bill since they have to work twice as hard to compensate.

Our Cleaning process is super simple

The hardest part of cleaning solar panels is getting to them in the first place! Cleaning them is relatively straightforward.
First, we loosen up the debris with a light scrubber and then apply our cleaning solution. Following this we scrub once again, making sure we use as little pressure as possible, and then we give it a quick rinse off. Once all is complete you begin saving!